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(FAQ 01) When will we hear the review results?Notification of acceptance will be e-mailed to you by July 10, 2014.


(FAQ 02) Who can be contacted when I have a problem about registration?Regarding any registration problems, please feel free to contact us via the e-mail at

(FAQ 03) Could the conference give me any subsidy, financial support or registration fee discount?All conference participants, including conference chairs, advisors, committee members, and session chairs have to pay the registration fee. Registration fee is used to cover all conference operation cost. As you know, it is very expensive to hold an international conference while maintaining quality service to all participants.

(FAQ 04) If I submit two papers (one is single authored and another is multi-authored) to this conference, how much do I need to pay?You pay once for registration, irrespective of the  of the numbers of paper, but if you would like to have the paper published in the proceedings, you need to pay an additional fee for the extra papers.

(FAQ 06) I have submitted a paper. Can I participate in the conference without oral presentation?Yes, when you submit manuscript to us, you will be asked your preference.

(FAQ 07) I did not submit any manuscripts. Can I still participate in the conference?Yes, non-author participants are welcome Subject to pay the registration fee.


(FAQ 08) The acceptance letter reminds me that I have to send the final version of my manuscript to the conference. After receiving the acceptance letter, you still have an opportunity to proofread your paper and any necessary revision. The deadline for sending your final version of manuscripts is July 25, 2014.

(FAQ 9) If I send you a full paper and it is accepted, can I just have the abstract published in the proceedings? We respect the choice made by  authors. some authors hope to participate in the conference and share their latest research results in an oral presentation, but do not want their full papers to  appear in the proceedings. In this case, these authors may choose to publish only their abstracts in the proceedings. 

(FAQ 10) I'd like to know if an abstract or the full paper should be submitted. If both are acceptable for the conference, may I know the required length of the abstract?Both abstract and the full paper are acceptable for submission. Please provide no more than 250 words if you choose to submit abstract rather than full paper.

(FAQ 11) What is the maximum length of the manuscript for this conference?The paper should contain no more than 12 pages including reference and appendices. There will be a charge of US $20.00 for any additional pages.

(FAQ 12) I am planning to publish the abstract in the conference proceedings. Is there any format require for the abstract?look for the icon "Submit paper"for guidance.

(FAQ 13) What is the format that my manuscript should follow?Manuscripts must be prepared using Microsoft Word. Please follow the Guide for Submit Paper.doc

(FAQ 15)Can we change the author order and contact address after submission.Yes, you can make any changes to "your final version of manuscript" before July 25, 2014.


(FAQ 16) Please give me the conference program/schedule (date and time for the presentation)The tentative conference program/schedule will be available at the conference web site in June 2014


(FAQ 17) Could you help me to apply for visa to Nigeria?We could not apply visa for any participant.

(FAQ 18) Could you provide any document for me to apply for visa to Nigeria?The only thing we could provide is the acceptance and invitation letter for the conference paper.


(FAQ 19) Duration of Presentation ? On average, the presentation and discussion time for each paper will be no more than 20 minutes. However, presentation time may be shortened if more papers are arranged in one session and extended if some authors are absent.The official languages are English,Hausa, Arabic and French, but bear in mind that official language of Nigeria is English and you are more likely to reach wider audience in English than in any other language. However, all abstract must be in English.


(FAQ 20)Is there any kind of discount which can be given for presenting a paper? e.g Travelling, boarding and lodging expenses.The conference is not in a position to provide any financial subsidy for the conference participants. 

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